Sunday 7 December 2014

Annual General Meeting 2014

Thirty-one members of the Garden Club met on Thursday 20th November for the AGM. This was held a month later than usual, in order to accommodate the speaker for October.
The Chairman and Treasurer were re-elected. Winnie and Wendy stood down as Vice-chair and Secretary. Peter was elected Vice-chair and Lyn was elected Secretary.
The Chairman reported on another successful and enjoyable year for the club. The Treasurer agreed but reported that since the finances were not quite as healthy as previous years it would be a good time to increase the entrance fees. This was an item on the agenda, the fees having remained the same since the inception of the club. The members were all in agreement that the entrance fees should rise. A suggestion came from the floor that the annual subscription should also rise. This motion was a popular one and was carried.
The Flower of the Month Competition was won by Kathleen with a penstemon.

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