Sunday 19 February 2012

Iron in the Blood

Our speaker for our February meeting, on the evening of Thursday 16th, was Bob Oakes, who is a blacksmith at Cold Hanworth Forge. We were interested to hear about how his work had developed and the people who he had worked with. He showed us photographs of work that had been commissioned by English Heritage, that had to be carried out in a correct historical manner.We were also shown photos of gates, screens and garden sculptures. Bob also brought along a garden sculpture for us to look at.
We were pleased to welcome two new members to the Club, that evening, and four visitors.
The Flower of the Month Competition was won by Kathleen, with some snowdrops.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Visit to Anglesey Abbey

The first Garden Club joint outing of 2012 was to Anglesey Abbey and Gardens and took place on Feb 13th.  Despite the snowy conditions members and friends were delighted to see so many Snowdrops (and 'drops of snow' - pun intended) and Winter Aconites on show.. The snow covered landscape had a particular beauty with the Winter Walk looking very picturesque against the white backdrop. The new nature trail, principally for younger visitors, nonetheless proved fascinating for all ages. It was a very enjoyable day and everyone returned home well contented.
Report and photographs by Terry Hill