Monday 20 April 2015

Gravel Gardening

Public domain photo
Our speaker for our April meeting, on Thursday 16th, was Ken Rawson. Ken is a garden designer who lives near Stamford. He gave us a very interesting and entertaining talk which he illustrated with "before" and "after" photos of various projects he had undertaken for clients. He told us about the effects that he tries to achieve and the types of planting that help with this. Ken also brought plants for the members to buy.
We again  had a good attendance and also welcomed another new member - Tricia - who has recently moved to Bicker.
The Flower of the Month Competition was won by Carl with a camellia.

Friday 3 April 2015

Victorian Violas

Rob Chapman, of Victorian Violas in Lincoln, which he runs with his wife, Sue, was our speaker for our March meeting. They brought a wide selection of violas, which they had grown, and which were for sale. Rob is a Chelsea medal winner and has bred new varieties of violas. He gave us a short history of the cultivation of violas, illustrating his talk with various examples that he had brought. Rob also explained the procedures for growing violas, including recommended potting composts, planting positions and dead-heading.
We again had a very good turnout of members. The Flower of the Month Competition was won by Chris with a grape hyacinth.