Friday 21 February 2014

Organic Vegetable Growing
 click photo to go to Vine House Farm website

We were pleased to welcome Nicholas Watts, of Vine House Farm, Deeping St. Nicholas, as our speaker for the February meeting on Thursday 20th. Nicholas farms some of his land in the conventional manner and some of it organically. He explained how conventional farming, with the spraying of weeds, is not kind to wildlife - especially birds. This is because no weeds mean no insects and thus no food for birds. Nicholas grows organic vegetables and also organic seeds for other farmers. He also grows large quantities of seed for wild birds. Last year he sold 1,500 tonnes of it to his customers.
Our membership continues to increase. We were pleased to welcome four new members - Shaun, Val, Sandra and Margaret.
The Flower of the Month Competition was won by Pauline Ranson with some Wych Hazel.